NCR Book Printing: Invoice Books, Receipt Books and Quote Books
Are you looking for the best NCR printing service on the market?
Welcome to Shree Graphics & Printing. We specialise in designing and producing NCR books that will work for your business.
NCR (No Carbon Required) refers to paper that has been given a certain coating that reacts to the pressure from a pen. Any information is then copied onto subsequent sheets of papers because all the sheets are glued together. This avoids the need for messy carbon paper.
What Are NCR Books?
NCR books are a way to keep all your paperwork in one place. For this option the NCR sets will be collated and stapled into a book that will also contain the board backing and the plain cover. The finished book is then put together with tape. Covers and tape can be colour coordinated to your business (red, green, blue or grey covers and tape are available).
The pages of the book can be perforated if this is required to make them easy to tear out and give the customers copy to them. The last copy usually remains within the book as your company’s copy.